At Soho Skin and Hair Restoration, we are a full-service boutique dermatology practice, caring for all of your skin needs. We are devoted to providing the best evidence-based care with a personalized approach.

How often should I be seen for a skin exam?


Common Conditions We Treat

  • If you ever have a skin concern it is best to book an appointment right away. However, an Annual Comprehensive Skin Exam is the best way to ensure that your skin and moles are normal. We check your skin from head to toe because skin cancer can occur anywhere on the body, even the areas that don’t see the sun!

    During your exam, we use a special device called a dermatoscope that adds polarized light and magnification to help us detect suspicious lesions at the earliest possible stage. We perform skin biopsies if we find a suspicious mole on your body. To ensure a thorough exam, it is helpful to remove any makeup and nail polish prior to your appointment.

  • Acne

    Acne is one of the most common skin conditions and is terribly distressing to those who suffer from it. It is a common misconception that acne only affects teenagers, as it is also unfortunately very common in adults.

    It is important to know that all acne is not treated the same. Our treatment regimens are tailored to the type of acne, as well as the individual skin type. Often, topical prescriptions are required. Sometimes, oral medications can be necessary, as well as in-office light-based treatments.

    Acne Scarring

    Acne scarring is very frustrating and can significantly impact the lives of those affected. Studies have shown that the earlier we treat scars, the better. The best approach to treating acne scarring often involves a combination approach where we utilize:

    • Subcision - this involves using an instrument to release the abnormal, scarred collagen that is pulling down on the scar

    • Biostimulatory Agents - following subcision, once we break that connection and give the scar a chance to plump-up, we can inject a biostimulatory substance that activates your skin cells to replace the abnormal scar tissue with healthy collagen.

    • Lasers, Energy-based Devices or microneedling - these devices help address both the deep component to scarring, as well as the more superficial layers of the skin that were damaged by the acne.

  • Warts are viral growths that often look like scaly bumps, and can occur anywhere on the skin from the bottom of your soles to the top of your scalp. Occasionally they can spread, multiply, and cause pain. We have many different treatment modalities to treat these pesky growths as quickly as possible.

  • Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the U.S. Although there are many types of skin cancer, the three most common are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. Early detection makes all the difference.

    Anyone can get skin cancer, although people with lighter skin types and a family history are at higher risk. The best way to detect any concerning lesions early is to come in for your annual comprehensive skin exam. We also recommend that you do self-exams in between your annual visits.

    Two things we tell all patients to look out for that would be reasons to come in earlier than their next annual skin check are:

    • Change in an existing growth

    • The development of a new spot that doesn’t look like your other ones.

      If you notice either of these two things, you should come in for evaluation.

  • Rosacea is one of the most common skin conditions that we see - usually affecting both men and women beginning in their 20s and 30s.

    It can begin as sensitive, red skin on the central face, but can also involve flushing, acne-like bumps, and broken blood vessels. Although there are multiple subtypes and presentations of rosacea, there are two common themes:

    • The skin is sensitive and inflamed

    • Certain lifestyle factors can serve as triggers (diet, alcohol, UV exposure, etc.)

    We create a focused skincare routine to repair the skin and protect it from the sun, in addition to targeted topical prescriptions to help soothe and prevent flares. In more severe cases or if time is of the essence, oral medications can be used.

    In-office laser treatments are very helpful to clear background redness and broken blood vessels.

  • Melasma is a very common condition where dark patches appear on the cheeks, upper lip, and forehead. It is more common in women and usually begins in our 20-30s. Although we do not know the exact cause, the triggers include UV light, heat, pregnancy, hormone therapy, contraceptive pills, and other medications. It can be a frustrating condition, especially because it is chronic.

    It is important to establish a good baseline skincare routine focused on protection and repair. Treatment will often involve topical and oral prescription medications, as well as in-office treatments (chemical peels, microneedling with PRP, low energy fractionated laser treatments).

  • Lightening or darkening of the skin can occur for many reasons. Targeted treatments to address the discoloration + strong sun protection are cornerstones in the treatment course. Sometimes, in-office peels and energy-based treatments are helpful for more effective and more timely recovery.

  • Eczema is often a term used to describe all different presentations of dry skin. There can be many causes and it can affect various parts of the body.

    It frequently begins in childhood, with most children eventually growing out of it. As we age and our skin grows more sensitive, eczema can reappear later in life.

    It is important to establish a skincare routine for sensitive skin, no matter the cause or where the dry skin is located. This type of routine helps to nurture the skin and prevent eczema flares.

    Prescription medications are often necessary to treat flares when they do occur.

  • Psoriasis is one of the most common, chronic inflammatory skin conditions. It can develop at any age and is without a cure.

    One of the most common presentations of psoriasis is thick, scaly plaques on the elbows and knees. Occasionally, psoriasis can also lead to joint pain and inflammation. If these symptoms are not treated, they can lead to permanent joint damage.

    Luckily, there are many new and very effective topical, oral, and injectable medications for patients with psoriasis.

  • Rashes can come in many different shapes, sizes, and severities. Evaluation by a board-certified dermatologist is best to help determine the root cause and the best treatment plan. Sometimes blood work or a skin biopsy may be required.

  • Although sweating is an important and natural part of life, some people have overactive glands that can result in excessive sweating. This can be very distressing.

    Although this is extremely common, sometimes testing is needed to ensure that an underlying medical condition is not the culprit.

    Regardless, thanks to continued innovation, there are many great treatment options that we can review with you to help you get control of your sweat.