Specializing in exceptional medical and cosmetic dermatology services, as well as cutting-edge hair restoration solutions.

Welcome to Soho Skin and Hair Restoration

A boutique dermatology practice located in the heart of Hudson Square. We are dedicated to being a trusted partner on your path to healthier, more radiant
skin and hair.

Medical Dermatology

We are here for all of your skin concerns. We urge all patients to stay ahead of skin cancer. An annual skin exam is the best way to ensure that your skin and moles are normal. We check your skin from head to toe because skin cancer can occur anywhere on the body, even the areas that don’t see the sun!

Cosmetic Dermatology

We offer a wide range of lasers, energy-based devices, and injectables. All patients with aesthetic concerns can benefit from a comprehensive cosmetic consultation. Your concerns and goals are assessed and a plan is created to best achieve the result you desire.

Hair Restoration

Hair loss is a core focus at Soho Skin and Hair Restoration. As someone who suffers from hair loss, Dr. Robert Finney knows first hand how distressing this condition can be for both men and women. We offer customized hair restoration plans tailored to your specific needs. Schedule a comprehensive consultation today to get started.

Meet Our Founder


Meet Our Founder +

Dr Robert Finney MD FAAD Founder of Soho Skin and Hair Restoration

Robert Finney, MD FAAD

Board-Certified Dermatologist
Fellowship Trained in Hair Restoration and Aesthetics

Dr. Finney is passionate about all aspects of dermatology and prides himself on establishing longitudinal relationships with his patients. One of his goals in founding Soho Skin and Hair Restoration was to create an environment where patients receive the personalized care that they deserve for both medical and cosmetic concerns.

Features In Press


Features In Press +

“Unfortunately most men and around 50% of women will suffer from hair loss during their lifetime. I urge patients to come in as early as possible for their customized treatment routine because the earlier we intervene, the better the results.”


Robert Finney, MD FAAD
Founder of Soho Skin and Hair Restoration

Achieve the results you desire.

View cases of real patient results from various procedures. Every patient starts with a comprehensive consultation where your concerns and goals are assessed, and a plan is created to best achieve the results you desire.